Sunburst Sanatorium Hospital, Hilversum

Jan Duiker, Bernard Bijvoet and January Gerko Wiebenga designed the Sanatorium Zonnestraal near Hilversum Netherlands, completed in 1928. This cutting-edge design changed they way the world considered hospitals, by discarding the dank, unsanitary buildings of the past. Early twentieth century designs emphasized air circulation and access to sunlight. This innovation was so successful that many upscale homes placed sleeping quarters outside on balconies. The composition of glass, concrete, and steel in this structure continues to be copied in many modern homes.

Three main buildings of three parallel wings contain treatment facilities and staff quarters. The infirmary houses 28 patients, specifically tuberculosis patients. Spacial relationships are clear and direct. The white concrete is brilliantly subservient to the airy and light atmosphere.

There is no telling how much this project improved the quality of life for sick and mentally ill people all over the world. It is a triumph of Modernism. The Neue Baue style was stamped out by the Nazis in the 1940s, and other schools of Modernism like Bauhaus thrived, for better or for worse.

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(joost kleiman– flickr/creative commons license)

(Minke Wagenaar– flickr/creative commons license)

(Minke Wagenaar– flickr/creative commons license)

(Minke Wagenaar– flickr/creative commons license)

(EvaM1978– flickr/creative commons license)

(Minke Wagenaar– flickr/creative commons license)

(Minke Wagenaar– flickr/creative commons license)

(Minke Wagenaar– flickr/creative commons license)

(Minke Wagenaar– flickr/creative commons license)

(Minke Wagenaar– flickr/creative commons license)

(Minke Wagenaar– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured image by Focushaus on flickr/creative commons)