Nezu Museum, Tokyo

Kengo Kuma designed the new building for the Nezu Institute of Fine Arts in Minato, Tokyo Japan, completed in 2009. Kenji Imai and Tachu Naito designed the original structure in 1954.

The museum contains a private collection of work by Nezu Kaichirō (1860–1940). The new building has modern environmental features and a Japanese garden outside. It is minimalist but entirely based on previous architecture. The original structure had escaped destruction in WW2, but the ugly concrete buildings that were erected after the war led Kuma to design something connected to Japan’s historical heritage:

“I wanted to create a huge roof. I attempted to connect people and the ground once again with the roof… Shadows link architecture to the ground and give comfort to the architecture and warmth to the city.”

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(Yuya Tamai– flickr/creative commons license)

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(scarletgreen– flickr/creative commons license)

(scarletgreen– flickr/creative commons license)

(scarletgreen– flickr/creative commons license)

(japanese_craft_construction– flickr/creative commons license)

(eiko_eiko– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured image by scarletgreen on flickr/creative commons)