Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims

The really special masterpiece in Japan’s Nagasaki Atomic Museum is the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims. Designed by Akira Kuryu, the memorial opened in 2002.

Twin glowing rectangular boxes reflect on a circular pond. While setting the visitor up for the pillars of light below, this perhaps also references to the recent 9/11 attacks. These act as skylights to the hall below. The glowing twelve pillars below ground smack of primativism, a contemporary twist on the Egyptian hypostyle hall. Photos and diary excerpts from victims make it clear that the design is a construction from their experiences.

The lighting is even more touching at night, as LEDs illuminate strict geography on the water surface.

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(David McKelvey
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(David McKelvey
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