Hotel de Région, Montpellier France

Ricardo Bofill designed the Regional Hall in Montpellier, France, completed in 1989. The Arc de Triumph is an obvious source for this monumental symbol. The classic arched icon is digitized into a gridded modern object, but Bofill cites Marne-la-Vallée’s Theatrical Urban Complex as the main source for his interpretation of classical forms. Like an ancient theater seating, the towering architecture surrounds the courtyard, and a four-columned pavilion stands in the center. The same framed view, with ancient structure mixed with modern materials, can be seen in this Regional hall. It is larger than life, a “disturbing collosalism,” the “new Corinthian Order.” He breaks from a set architectural language in order to make mass-production possible.

Jean Nouvel recently drew from this design and turned it to a Constructivist direction for the city’s new Hôtel de ville de Montpellier.

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(jean-louis zimmermann– flickr/creative commons license)

(jean-louis zimmermann– flickr/creative commons license)

(jean-louis zimmermann– flickr/creative commons license)

(jean-louis zimmermann– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured images by Wolfgang Staudt on flickr/creative commons)