Comcast Center, Philadelphia Pennsylvania

The Comcast Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania by Robert A. M. Stern Architects just opened on June 8, 2008, assuming the title as tallest building in Phili (975 feet & 57 floors). It was funded mostly by $850 million of private

investment and is estimated to generate $1.16 billion in total expenditures

each year.

The extruded glass box has been called a giant USB memory stick, with reflective facades and dark glazing that play with the perceived shadows as indicated by similar structures around it. The building is supposed to get LEED certification (I guess that hasn’t happened yet) with such sustainable features as connections to mass transit, waterless urinals, effective shading, and recycled construction materials. LED lighting adds to the existing fluorescent lighting and will help celebrate significant holidays and events in the city.

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(dcwriterdawn– flickr/creative commons license)

(Kevin Burkett– flickr/creative commons license)

(dcwriterdawn– flickr/creative commons license)

(dcwriterdawn– flickr/creative commons license)

(Kevin Burkett– flickr/creative commons license

(featured image by Smallbones on wikipedia/public domain)